Friday, February 23, 2007


For Mardi Gras, I worked. Simple as that. I work in the middle of downtown on the third floor, so I was able to look outside at the people while they were screaming and having fun. It was not an enjoyable day at all. We receive our work from different places, such as Florida and Georgia, and by the time they brought the work downtown, they couldn't get through. The police had nearly every street blocked off, so we had to wait until all the parades were over. I will certainly never forget Mardi Gras 2007.

Darren Kuropatwa's International Blog

Darren Kuropatwa is teaching in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. His blog name is "A Difference". He talks about what happens daily at his school. For example, the software installation for his switchboard. He talks about how difficult it was on his first day of using it in the classroom. It's a very detailed blog. Visit Darren's blog at A DIFFERENCE

International Blogging

Jo McLeay is a English teacher in Melbourne, Austrailia. She talks about her life as a teacher. She says, "We teachers are back for our second day of preparation and on Tuesday we meet our new students for the first time." She posts links to blogs that have summaries on them.
Come to her website

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Mr. Monson's 5th grade class blog

Mr. Monson is a 5th grade teacher at Nettleton Science, Technology, and Reading Magnet School in Duluth, Minnesota. His students have to write about one of four things: 1. what they saw or heard 2. something they like 3. something to add or fix
4. a question to make they writer think about. On his blog site, he has a list of his classes and students. He uses it to post daily and weekly classroom assignments so the parents can see what their child needs to do. He also talks about fund raisers and conference slips being due by informing the parents with a post. Another thing that he does, and I admit that I am fortunate enough that my elementary school didn't have blogs, is let the parents know when report cards will be distributed to the students. Here is the website CLICK HERE

Ms. Kreul

Here is a picture of Richards Elementary School

Schools or Teachers in the U.S. blogging

In Whitefish Bay, MI, Ms. Kreul is using blogging in her classroom. She teaches fourth grade at Richards Elementary School. She talks about what she teaches in her classroom with all of the different subjects, such as math, science, spelling, and social studies. For example, to help the students in science she passed around a globe, and if the student's hand was on water, they had to say water and vice-versa. Her blog is sort of like her lessons in the classrooms. Another example is the post she had on spelling. She talks about how she plays games like hangman and word swap in order to motivate her students to learn how to spell. The website is CLICK HERE

Thursday, February 1, 2007


Hey ALL. I need some people to comment on my wall.