Sunday, January 28, 2007

Week 4, 1st few weeks blogging in EDM 310

Blogging has been a wonderful experience for me. I am a member of Facebook and My Space. It's sort of like your own online diary, but yet others can view and comment. I think as a future teacher, blogging can be useful in K-12 classrooms because of the helpful information they can contain along with images and links to other web sites.

I think the kids will be interested in what their peers have to say on their blogs, while at the same time it might help to increase reading skills. Most students don't like to sit back and read without the ability to interact with others. These blogs encourage people to be interactive, while being able to express their individual opinions. Although blogging can be exciting, it can include inaccurate information and biased. Blogs can also be dangerous because they are easy to access worldwide.

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