Saturday, March 3, 2007

Spreadsheets in the classroom

In Maryland, one school is using spreadsheets in the mathematics courses. They are hoping that the use of spreadsheets will meet certain goals. The one goal that I was interested in was the use of spreadsheets in order to replace graphing calculators. Another goal that was interesting to me was "Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers courses with spreadsheets and instruction on developing spreadsheets." The last goal that I liked was to be able to "upload all video to the Internet and copy all video for each course onto CD's for every student enrolled in each course."
Another website I found was It informs the readers about the future potential of using spreadsheets to advance mathematics. The site defines spreadsheet as "Spreadsheet programs can be used to make calculations, organize data, make charts, and much more." And then it goes in to telling the readers how to use spreadsheets in the classroom, with the most common use being to organize data and create charts and graphs.


Rachael Pierce said...

I think its cool that they are making such huge improvements in math and technology. But I think its kind of weird that they want to replace graphing calculators. Its much easier to carry a calculator than a computer, especially if you don't have a laptop. Don't you think?

BJ Evans said...

You stole my spreadsheet article lol how dare you